SBI PO exam pattern & syllabus : We provide SBI PO exam pattern syllabus officially provided by SBI. SBI PO exam syllabus for those aspirants who want to qualify this test should prepare as per the syllabus given below:
SBI PO exam syllabus of English Language:
2. Close Passages (10) – Moderate
3. Jumbled Sentences (5) – Moderate – Practice is the key to these types of questions.
4. Reading Comprehension (10+10) – Moderate to difficult – It takes a lot of time to find answers to these.
2. Banking Awareness: Banking institutions, terms, SIDBI, SBI, IRDA, Finance, Financial terms, Insurance, Shares, bonds, etc.
3. Economy Awareness- Questions related to the economy of India, terms, share market,business developments, etc.
1. Directions. (5) – Easy
2. Sentence coding (5) – Easy to moderate
3. Logical Reasoning (15) – Moderate
4. Syllogism (5) – Moderate
5. Data Sufficiency (5) – Moderate
6. Puzzle / Seating Arrangement (10) – Difficult – Time consuming questions
7. Input – output (machine coding and decoding) (5) – Difficult
1. Number Series
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SBI PO exam syllabus of English Language:
This section will have problems with
1. Errors Correction / spotting errors (15) – Easy to Moderate – You need to know all the English grammar rules to get good marks from these questions.
2. Close Passages (10) – Moderate
3. Jumbled Sentences (5) – Moderate – Practice is the key to these types of questions.
4. Reading Comprehension (10+10) – Moderate to difficult – It takes a lot of time to find answers to these.
SBI PO exam syllabus of General Awareness + Banking Awareness + Economy Awareness
1. General Awareness:- current affairs of last 6 months, important events, Full forms, awards, sports, politics, people, places, deaths etc.
1. General Awareness:- current affairs of last 6 months, important events, Full forms, awards, sports, politics, people, places, deaths etc.
2. Banking Awareness: Banking institutions, terms, SIDBI, SBI, IRDA, Finance, Financial terms, Insurance, Shares, bonds, etc.
3. Economy Awareness- Questions related to the economy of India, terms, share market,business developments, etc.
SBI PO exam Syllabus of Reasoning Section:
The reasoning section is of high level and have problems in three levels easy, moderate and difficult.
1. Directions. (5) – Easy
2. Sentence coding (5) – Easy to moderate
3. Logical Reasoning (15) – Moderate
4. Syllogism (5) – Moderate
5. Data Sufficiency (5) – Moderate
6. Puzzle / Seating Arrangement (10) – Difficult – Time consuming questions
7. Input – output (machine coding and decoding) (5) – Difficult
SBI PO exam syllabus of Quantitative Aptitude:
1. Number Series
2. Simplification
3. Data Interpretation –
I. Line graphs (5) – easy
II. Bar chart (15) – easy to moderate
III. Pie chart (10) – moderate – difficult
IV. Tables (15) – mod.-difficult.
V. Probability (5) – Easy-moderate, Etc,
II. Bar chart (15) – easy to moderate
III. Pie chart (10) – moderate – difficult
IV. Tables (15) – mod.-difficult.
V. Probability (5) – Easy-moderate, Etc,
4. Quadratic Equation
5. Approximation
6. Miscellaneous
5. Approximation
6. Miscellaneous
SBI PO exam Syllabus 2017 – Phase 3: Group discussion and Interview
Group discussion will carry 20 marks and interview will be of 30 marks. The candidates who qualify in both tests will be called for group discussion and interview.
SBI PO Final Selection will be based on the marks scored in the written test, group discussion and interview.
Visit for more info: SBI PO exam syllabus
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