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Showing posts with the label Absorption and Assimilation of Fats - Notes for Class 11 Biology

Absorption and Assimilation of Fats - Notes for Class 11 Biology

Absorption and Assimilation of Fats  - Notes for Class 11 Biology  We, at  Takshila Learning  always do best to keep our students ahead in terms of learning and preparation. We offer animated videos, recorded lectures with detailed explanation, and sample papers with solutions, objective and subjective study material, NCERT solutions for different classes. We have prepared an offline/online course which caters to all your needs to score good marks in CBSE exams. Our online study material is unique & content is regularly updated keeping in mind the latest pattern of question paper of Board exams.  Fats are insoluble in water :  This inability to dissolve in water makes it difficult for fat digestion. Fats are hydrophobic in nature so, it tends to clump together and form large droplets as it moves through the digestive system. By the time fat reaches the small intestine, it has not been digested at all. So, dietary fat in the small intesti...