Subject Verb Agreement & Rules with Examples |ssc course The agreement between the subject and the verb, according to which the verb must agree in number with the subject, is known as subject-verb agreement. If the subject is singular, the verb should be singular as well (is/has/was/Verb +s/es). If the subject is plural, the verb must be plural (are/have/were/Verb1). When we speak about Subject-Verb-Agreement in terms of competitive tests, one of the most relevant topics that come to mind is the Rules of the Subject-Verb-Agreement, since most of the questions asked in this section are Error Detection. To earn high marks in the English Section, you must have a detailed understanding of the Rules of Subject-Verb-Agreement. So let’s dive in the 5 Important Subject Verb Agreement Rules; Subject Verb Agreement Rule 1: If two subjects are joined by “and” then the verb used must be plural. But if two countable nouns or adjectives or synonyms ...
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