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How does the ear work? Class 9 Science notes

How does the ear work? Class 9 Science notes Class 9 Science - The compression in the air reaches the outer car called pinna which detects the sound to travel through the ear canal to reach the car drum. Due to these compressions, the membrane starts vibrating. This thin membrane vibrates and relaxes depending on the amplitude of compression in the air. The vibration is then passed to three bones in the ear connected to the eardrum: hammer, anvil and stirrup and is amplified about 20 times than the actual vibration. After the amplification by ear bones, the vibration is passed through the oval ear called Cochlea. Then vibration is sent to the liquid present in it, it creates waves and gets the electrical signal out of the cochlea. This creates waves and gets the signal out of the cochlea. The signal is sent through auditory nerve and the brain reads the electrical impulse and detects the sound. Read complete notes click  Structures of the human ear Check out another ...