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Our Earth GK Questions for Grade 5

Our Earth GK Questions for Grade 5 Our Earth What is the earth made up of?   What is the shape of the earth?   Which side of the earth will have morning, and which side will have night?     How many seasons are there?   How can we prevent air pollution?   Name all the continents.   Name all the oceans.   The largest ocean of the world is __________.   The smallest ocean of the world is  _____________.   The largest continent is _______________.   The smallest ocean is _________________.   ____________ continent is covered with ice.   The largest country in the world is _________. Download  Our Earth GK Questions for Grade 5

Define Red Data Book Class 12 Biology

Define Red Data Book Class 12 Biology The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), a global organisation that strives to conserve nature and ensure the sustainable use of natural resources, is featured in the Red Data Book . It is involved in data collection, analysis, research, field projects, support, and education, among other things. IUCN aims to inspire, encourage, and support organisations around the globe in protecting the environment and ensuring that any use of natural resources is sensible and ecologically sustainable IUCN's main office is in Gland, a town in Switzerland close to Geneva. Since its founding in 1964, the IUCN has developed the Red List of Threatened Species, which has grown to be the most comprehensive collection of data on the state of species' global conservation. The IUCN's Red Data Book is a book that contains all the details on threatened plant and animal species. IUCN is attempting to raise awareness about endangered species with...

What is the importance of a balanced diet? Class 5 Science

Importance of a balanced diet Class 5 Science A balanced diet boosts vitality, enhances bodily functions, fortifies the immune system, and prevents weight loss. Meets your dietary demands is among the additional key advantages. The nutrients required to prevent nutrient shortages are provided through a varied and balanced diet. Treat and prevent specific illnesses. A nutritious diet lowers the chance of developing conditions including diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Diabetes and high blood pressure can both benefit from it. A customised diet will help you manage a disease or condition better by reducing the symptoms. Take active steps to manage your weight. You can feel better, have more energy, and reduce stress by eating well. Food is often the main draw at social and cultural gatherings. In addition to being nutritional, it also strengthens interpersonal bonds. A healthy diet can prevent the body from certain diseases, and proper eating can also result in appropriate body wei...

International and Indian number system Class 5 Maths

Indian Numeral System / Indian system of numeration       Indian Numeral System in detail. Ones, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, Ten Thousand, Lakhs, Ten Lakhs, Crores, and so on are the place values of digits.   In the number  20,63,15,768: The place value of each digit will be 8: Ones 6: Tens 7: Hundreds 5: Thousands 1: Ten Thousand 3: Lakhs 6: Ten Lakhs 0: Crores 2: Ten Crores   Following is the relationship between them: 10 Tens = 1 Hundred 100 Tens = 10 Hundreds = 1 Thousand 1000 Hundreds = 100 Thousands = 1 Lakh 10,000 Thousands = 100 Lakhs = 1 Crore Zeros in 1 Crore We know that 1 Crore = 100 Lakhs And  1 Lakh = 1,00,000 Since there are five zeros in lakhs, we can write 1 Crore as: 1 Crore = 100 x 1,00,000 1 Crore = 1,00,00,000 Therefore, the number of zeros in 1 Crore is seven.   International Numeral System / International system of numeration In the international numeral system, digit place values get assigned to Ones, Tens, Hundreds, T...

Worksheet for Class 6 Science - Light and Shadow

Worksheet for Class 6 Science - Light and Shadow 1. Complete the following sentences: 1. Fill in the blanks: The type of energy is._______  Light always follows a ________ path. The phenomena of seeing ourselves in the mirror is known as ._______  ________ materials include things like butter paper. 2. Give True/False answers: Luminous objects can be artificial or natural light sources. A shadow is generated when light is blocked by an object. Items that are opaque allow light to pass completely through them. We appear to be the same size, shape, and colour when we glance in the mirror. 3. Match the following: “A”                 “B” Sun, Stars Moon and all planets Mirror       Lanterns, candles, bulb non-luminous objects Clear images Shadows           Always black Luminous objects Natural sources of light 4. What are the characteristics of images? 5. Discuss Transparent, opaque, a...

What are The Health Effects of Aluminum? NCERT Class 10

The Health Effects of Aluminum - NCERT Class 10 Aluminum is a widely used metal that is also one of the most abundant substances in the earth's crust. Aluminum is typically viewed as a nontoxic material, although excessive levels may pose health risks if inhaled. The water-soluble version of aluminium causes the harmful effects. Aluminium ions are most typically observed in aluminium solutions containing other ions, such as aluminium chlorine. Aluminium can be absorbed by food, inhalation, and skin contact. Long-term exposure to high quantities of aluminium can result in a variety of health issues, including: Loss of memory Listlessness Severe trembling Damage to the central nervous system Dementia Aluminum is a health issue, especially in industrial settings like mines where it can be found in the water. People who work in industries where aluminium is utilised in the manufacturing process may develop lung problems if they breathe in aluminium dust. Aluminum may cause difficulties...

Was or Were English Grammar Worksheet for Class 3

Use of was and were - English Grammar Worksheet for Class 3  Use ‘was’ if the noun is singular and use ‘were’ if the noun is plural or if there are multiple nouns. There is only one exception, that is “you”. We only use “were” with you. Example – I was happy last night. They were happy last night. You were happy last night. Fill in the blanks with the correct helping verb. I ___ reading I ___ dancing. She ___ sleeping She _______ playing piano. What ___they doing? He ______ drawing my sketch. She ___working hard Road ______ not built properly. There ___snake in the field. Water in the bucked ______ cold. Sita, Gita ___ not there. They _______ running till that tree. If I ______ going there. Radhika _____ angry. _____ I not qualified? _______ he not here? You _______ wasting my time. _____ you coming yesterday? Click for English grammar worksheet for class 3  Click for  Is, am, or are Exercise Tag-  Use of was and were, was were use, Was were worksheet, Was or We...

Birds Nesting - Different Types of Birds Nest

Different Types of Birds Nest  Birds Nesting - Different birds make different types of nests. 1. Suspended Nests Suspended nests are similar to elaborate cupped nests, however they are supported differently. Their sides, not their bottoms, support them.  Birds name - orioles, weavers and vireos 2. Nests in Cups The most common and usual type of nest is a cupped nest. These nests have the appearance of a bowl or a cup. Sticks and twigs, thread, and feathers are among the materials used to create them. Cupped nests are built by most songbirds, as well as hummingbirds, robins, and certain swifts. 3. Platform Nests Platform nests are tall and flat in appearance. Large birds of prey such as eagles, ospreys, herons, and cormorants frequently use platform nests. They reside in trees or on the crests of massive plants. Many platform nest builders expand their nests year after year, often to huge proportions. 4. Cavity Nests  Tree cavities, like burrows, provide excellent pro...

Pronoun Exercise for Class 2 - English Grammar for Kids

Pronoun Exercise for Class 2  - English Grammar for Kids Pronoun - A pronoun is a phrase that replaced a noun ( I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, everyone, etc .). Read each sentence and fill in the correct pronoun Use of She, he, they ----- is playing. ----- are friends. ----- is packing. ----- is strong. ----- is speaking. ----- are doctors. ----- is an actress. ----- are laughing. ----- is scared. Read each sentence and fill in the correct pronoun Mona and Sona are friends. ….. Play together. (She, He, They, We) Meena is kind to the poor. …….Love her a lot. (They, He, She) ………reads to his grandmother every day. (She, He, You, We) Watch, understand, and learn concepts of English grammar , Online Class 2 English worksheet, Maths, EVS, Hindi with CBSE Class 2 Video classes. Tag -  CBSE Class 2 English ; Class 2 English Use of Pronouns; Use of Pronouns Practice Worksheet; Use of Pronouns; Pronouns questions for class 2;...

Basic Concept of Computer : Parts of Computer and their Uses - Class 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

Parts of Computer Parts of Computer and their Uses - school online class We are going to learn about the  Basics Concept of Computer  –  Parts of Computer . This  video lectures  explain everything about the parts of computer i.e – Different parts of a computer Just like our body, a computer is also made up of many parts. These parts work together to perform different functions. A computer is made up of the following basic parts.   1. Monitor 2. CPU 3. Keyboard 4. Mouse 5. Speakers These devices are categorized into three parts which are – Input Devices Output Devices Storage Devices Please visit our  Blog  on  Parts of Computer . Takshila Learning , provide  Online School Classes  from  Preschool to Class 12 for all subjects . We provide the  best online tuition classes  for Class 10 and other classes that comprise  Animated Video lectures  and  Live Interactive Classes  that will help students to...

Importance and Benefits of Reading - Study Online

Learn the Importance and Benefits of Reading? Reading  is a wonderful exercise for our mind and body, our mind becomes aware and our body gets accustomed to being at one place while doing this exercise called reading. Reading is also a wonderful leisure time activity which gives us numerous benefits. So, why not skim through the benefits of reading below to understand it better: Reading Can be a bright start to the day : Yes, why not when we begin our day by reading something good then it can lead to a day full of happiness and an energetic feeling. It can also keep us engrossed in some nice thoughts to help us stay positive and charged up. Brain exercise:   Reading is surely a good brain exercise because it combines the mental faculties and the abilities to understand what we are reading about. The more we read through and become aware, then we are bound to scale up in our comprehending skills. Enhanced Vocabulary:  Reading is definitely something that adds to our v...