Learn What is a Parasite? It’s Types & Characteristics- Class 12 Biology What is a Parasite? Types & Characteristics :- The word “parasite” comes from the Greek “parasitos”, with para meaning “alongside “, and sitos meaning “food” – therefore meaning “eating at the side of, as one would when seated at the same table” A parasite is an organism that lives in/on another organism, called the host, and often harms it. It is dependent on its host for survival – it has to be in the host to live, grow and multiply. A parasite cannot live independently. Parasites are an incredibly varied group of organisms. Around 70% of parasites are microscopic in size, such as the malarial parasite; however, some worm parasites can reach over 30 m in length. There are three main types of parasites that cause diseases, they are :- PROTOZOA (cause protozoan infection) – Protozoa are microscopic, ...
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