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Showing posts with the label How does Google Ad words work?

How does Google Ad words work?

How does Google Ad words work? Google Ad words - The Ad words are just like a market auction where people over the keywords to get their Ads at the top so that they can generate the maximum revenue. But it is not just about the bids that will make your Ads come at the top. Great Quality Ad(Website+Ad Relevancy) + Impressive Bid = 1st Rank Ad There are few things to keep in mind when starting as a beginner with Google Ad words because it does look easy but actually, it’s not. It can easily bring back you to 0 if you are not paying much attention and just spending the amount. It is fast in generating revenue but still one need to have patience. Get fixed, make a budget that you need to spend so that you don’t overspend and also so that you know how much revenue are you generating over what money. Things were complicated before now they are easy enough to navigate. Be patient the most important aspect for earning well through Ad words you need have a little bit of patience ...