Pronoun Exercise for Class 2 - English Grammar for Kids Pronoun - A pronoun is a phrase that replaced a noun ( I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, everyone, etc .). Read each sentence and fill in the correct pronoun Use of She, he, they ----- is playing. ----- are friends. ----- is packing. ----- is strong. ----- is speaking. ----- are doctors. ----- is an actress. ----- are laughing. ----- is scared. Read each sentence and fill in the correct pronoun Mona and Sona are friends. ….. Play together. (She, He, They, We) Meena is kind to the poor. …….Love her a lot. (They, He, She) ………reads to his grandmother every day. (She, He, You, We) Watch, understand, and learn concepts of English grammar , Online Class 2 English worksheet, Maths, EVS, Hindi with CBSE Class 2 Video classes. Tag - CBSE Class 2 English ; Class 2 English Use of Pronouns; Use of Pronouns Practice Worksheet; Use of Pronouns; Pronouns questions for class 2;...
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