Skills to Improve your Reading Comprehension English online classes SKILLS TO IMPROVE YOUR READING COMPREHENSION Before we know what skills are required to improve comprehension, let’s understand what is reading comprehension. Reading comprehension is the ability to, first of all, read the text, then process it and finally understandwhat does it mean . So the person’s knack to comprehend the text is influenced by the traits and skills they have developed. Maybe your background from your childhood is such that you are not taught necessary skills to comprehend the text. But again, there is nothing to worry. It is never too late. You can still make it and once you learn the required skills, the sky is the limit. So one of these skills is to enhance your ability to make inferences. What are inferences? Inferences are steps in reasoning, trying to understand what the author is trying to say through the text. For example,Jassy hears a smoke alarm and Smells a burnt toast....
Takshila Learning has a great faculty and they have their own unique style of teaching and communicating ideas which enables the students to handle any situation with ease and come out with flying colors. By adding this online medium for teaching various courses, they have not only widened our options but have made it