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NCERT Science for class 8 Chapter 2 Microorganism

NCERT Science for class 8 Chapter 2 Microorganism In this article, we will discuss the topic of  Class 8 Science .  We have already discussed microorganism and its types. We will now discuss ‘the uses of  microorganism ’. Microorganisms benefit us in a number of ways. Their uses can be divided into four categories: commercial, medicinal, agricultural, and environmental. Commercial uses are listed as below  :- Making curd and cheese  –  A protein called casein present in milk coagulates to form a curd. For casein to coagulate the milk has to be made acidic. A bacterium called Lactobacillus, present in the spoonful of curd added to the milk converts the lactose sugar present in milk to lactic acid.The process of conversion of a sugar into an acid or an alcohol by the action of microorganism is called  fermentation . Making alcoholic beverages  – Production of alcoholic beverages such as beer and wine involves fermentation of sugar present in barley, grapes, etc. by a micros