Different Types of Birds Nest Birds Nesting - Different birds make different types of nests. 1. Suspended Nests Suspended nests are similar to elaborate cupped nests, however they are supported differently. Their sides, not their bottoms, support them. Birds name - orioles, weavers and vireos 2. Nests in Cups The most common and usual type of nest is a cupped nest. These nests have the appearance of a bowl or a cup. Sticks and twigs, thread, and feathers are among the materials used to create them. Cupped nests are built by most songbirds, as well as hummingbirds, robins, and certain swifts. 3. Platform Nests Platform nests are tall and flat in appearance. Large birds of prey such as eagles, ospreys, herons, and cormorants frequently use platform nests. They reside in trees or on the crests of massive plants. Many platform nest builders expand their nests year after year, often to huge proportions. 4. Cavity Nests Tree cavities, like burrows, provide excellent pro...
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