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International and Indian number system Class 5 Maths

Indian Numeral System / Indian system of numeration       Indian Numeral System in detail. Ones, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, Ten Thousand, Lakhs, Ten Lakhs, Crores, and so on are the place values of digits.   In the number  20,63,15,768: The place value of each digit will be 8: Ones 6: Tens 7: Hundreds 5: Thousands 1: Ten Thousand 3: Lakhs 6: Ten Lakhs 0: Crores 2: Ten Crores   Following is the relationship between them: 10 Tens = 1 Hundred 100 Tens = 10 Hundreds = 1 Thousand 1000 Hundreds = 100 Thousands = 1 Lakh 10,000 Thousands = 100 Lakhs = 1 Crore Zeros in 1 Crore We know that 1 Crore = 100 Lakhs And  1 Lakh = 1,00,000 Since there are five zeros in lakhs, we can write 1 Crore as: 1 Crore = 100 x 1,00,000 1 Crore = 1,00,00,000 Therefore, the number of zeros in 1 Crore is seven.   International Numeral System / International system of numeration In the international numeral system, digit place values get assigned to Ones, Tens, Hundreds, T...