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Showing posts with the label Online Video Lectures

National Cancer Awareness Day – 7 November | Takshila Learning

NATIONAL CANCER AWARENESS DAY National Cancer Awareness Day is widely known on  7 November  every year to boost awareness about cancer, its treatment, and its symptoms in India. When there is an abnormal growth of cells in the body, it causes cancer and spreads to other tissues. It can affect any part of the body. Cancer is also called heart disease. Did you know that there are more than a hundred types of cancer including breast cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, and prostate cancer? National Health Awareness Day is being celebrated across the country,  Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan  has announced. In his opinion, it is high time we went into competitive mode against this disease. Do you know that cancer is the second leading cause in the world? There are more than a hundred types of cancers but the most common cancers affecting the people of India are lung, breast, cervical, neck, and brain and stomach cancers. According to the  World Health Organization , 17 people die every mi

5 Ways That Make Studying Fun Learning | Online Classes & Video Lectures

5 Ways That Make Studying Fun Learning We are going to discuss the ways how you can make studying fun learning so that you can learn with fun without feeling bored. You can learn with fun in these ways without forcing and torturing yourself to study. So – Below 5 Ways can make studying a Fun Learning for you – TURN LEARNING INTO GAMES Kick-start your motivation and revolutionize your studies with puzzles, quizzes, and flashcards.  2.TRY ROLE PLAY For any subject with stories and characters, such as History – try to role-play them for a while as it will ease you in remembering things.  3.STUDY AT DIFFERENT CORNERS Even you could assign different subjects to different rooms, and make sure you study each subject in the designated place.  4.CHALLENGE YOURSELF Leave “slow and steady” for the gym and challenge yourself at studies.  5.INTERACTIVE LIVE CLASSES Try these 5 ways and Learn with utmost ease & fun!  Try Interactive  Live Classes  with Animated Video Lectures to amplify your lea