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Showing posts with the label career guide on a cs course


A CAREER GUIDE ON CS COURSE In this note, we have tried to collate all general information related to   CS course , with regard to levels, admission, curriculum, exams, and training, etc. To be able to professionally practice the Company Secretaryship, an individual has to complete three levels of training and examination, set by the  ICSI . Lets’ start with  HOW TO BECOME A CS STAGES OF COMPANY SECRETARY – CS EXAM LEVELS The course structure of CS has undergone significant change in the recent times especially the amendment in Feb 2020 brought in quite a number of changes, one such change is the introduction of  CSEET  and dispensation of Foundation Programme. Currently, the CS course consists of 3 stages, namely; CSEET ( CS Executive Entrance Test ) CS Executive Programme CS Professional Programme CSEET has replaced the Foundation Programme completely, wherein the admission to Foundation Programme has been discontinued. Instead, the CSEET shall be the entry point of CS Course. Note: