Nutrition in Plants- 7th Class Science NCERT Solutions Modes of Nutrition Autotrophic mode of nutrition- The word auto means self and trophos means nutrition. The mode of nutrition in which an organism makes its own food from simple substances like carbon dioxide, water, and minerals present in the surroundings is called autotrophic nutrition. Organisms having an autotrophic mode of nutrition are called autotrophs. All green plants and some bacteria are autotrophs. Heterotrophic mode of nutrition- The word hetero means other and trophos means nutrition. The mode of nutrition in which an organism cannot make its own food from the simple substances but obtain readymade food made by green plants directly or indirectly is called heterotrophic mode of nutrition and such organism are called heterotrophs NCERT solutions Class 7 Science are available on our science section . Photosynthesis The process of preparing food by au...
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