10th Class Social Science-Civics-Power Sharing As per Class 10 th Civics syllabus, we will talk about power sharing in two countries, Belgium and Sri Lanka in this article. Belgium and Sri Lanka Belgium Belgium in context to thearea is a small country in Europe shares borders with France, Netherlands, Germany, and Luxembourg. The population islittle more than one crore, out of which 59% lives in the Flemish region and speak the Dutch language, the other 40%lives in Wallonia region and speak French. The minority population was rich, the other majority population got the benefit of economic development and education later, this led to the tensions between the Dutch-speaking and French-speaking communities in the 1950s and 1960s. Sri Lanka Situated in the south of India,Srilanka is an island nation. The population is about 2 crores, which is divided into two social groups.74% speak Sinhala and 18 % are Tamil speakers. 7% percent population is...
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