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CBSE CLass 10 maths -Rational Number: Introduction

Online CBSE class 10 maths CBSE Class 10 maths - we are providing online and offline solutions for maths related problems. CBSE CLass 10 maths -Rational Number: Introduction (Note: To understand the concept clearly, watch our respective 3D animated videos while reading this article as the illustrations are based on that.) Integers and fractions together make up what are called the rational numbers. So, rational numbers include positive integers, zero, negative integers, positive fractions and negative fractions. A decimal fraction is also a fraction and hence, it is a rational number. Thus, it is possible to express every rational number in the same form. Continue with download pdf.......  Download CBSE class 10 maths - Download PDF  For more information and pdf's call us : 8800-999-280  Find More Searches All maths, physics, chemistry, biolofy, commerce,cbse solutions Complete cbse sample papers Latest cbse class 10 syllabus Download cbse class 9 syllabus Pe