How does Google Ad words work?
Google Ad words - The Ad words are just like a market auction where people over the keywords to get their Ads at the top so that they can generate the maximum revenue. But it is not just about the bids that will make your Ads come at the top.
Great Quality Ad(Website+Ad Relevancy) + Impressive Bid = 1st Rank Ad
There are few things to keep in mind when starting as a beginner with Google Ad words because it does look easy but actually, it’s not. It can easily bring back you to 0 if you are not paying much attention and just spending the amount. It is fast in generating revenue but still one need to have patience.
- Get fixed, make a budget that you need to spend so that you don’t overspend and also so that you know how much revenue are you generating over what money.
- Things were complicated before now they are easy enough to navigate.
- Be patient the most important aspect for earning well through Ad words you need have a little bit of patience so that you don’t spend your budget too fast and neither you quit too fast.
These are the key factors to any Google Ad words account success. Google is running a business thus it will also want to generate the maximum revenue but if this would be the scenario to generate the maximum revenue then Google would have shown Ads from the top bids which could have been horrible and no relevant too but Google is so much concerned about its users that it doesn’t show the Ad from the maximum bid. Instead, it shows the Ad from the most relevant Ad copy and also on the basis of the most impressive bidding. But this also is a business strategy that helps in growing the business. Let’s take an example below as if-
Google lets the highest bidder show their Ad at the first rank and the Ad is least relevant and also is not formatted properly than whenever a user will visit for it her/she won’t find what they were looking for, the user would not ever come back. Now let’s take another example where the user finds what they are looking for this would increase their chances to come back. Thus google goes for the relevancy and Ad type and bidding.
Click for short summary steps which you can follow for initial setup Google Ad words
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