CA final online classes / CA final video lectures offline
CA Final Online Classes : CA Final is a stage where only 15% of the students who start the journey of becoming a CA by joining CPT reach. Out of these 15% students, only 3% students clear CA Final and about 1% clear CA Final in 1st attempt. It requires lots of preparation, expert support and hand-holding to clear this level.
Takshila Learning offers best online coaching classes for CA Final exams. Our content is recorded as per latest syllabus of ICAI. All our faculties are well qualified and experienced. Our classes and preparation material is enough to qualify CA Final exam and get good marks on the exam. Take our courses and you could be one of those 1% students who qualify in the first attempt.
CA Final admission is open throughout the year and examinations are conducted twice in a year i.e May and November. CA final programme can be pursued only after clearing CA IPCC/CA-Inter exam and required Internship. It is the third and last level on the path of becoming a chartered accountant.
We provide these classes in online and offline mode (pen drive, DVDs, SD Card and Tablet). Furthermore, we also provide Assignment, Tets Series, Books for CA Final Subjects as per CA Final New Syllabus.
If you need help with CA preparations, contact 'Takshila Learning‘ CA Exam Expert. Also, you may begin your preparation with CA Free Demo Classes. Now students from all over India can learn from India’s Most Experienced Professors online and get their dream career.
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