Introduction to Vector - Physics Notes for Class 11 Science
Addition of vectors
The operation of addition of two vectors can be done by using the law called parallelogram law of vector addition. The addition can be done by taking two vectors as the adjacent sides of a parallelogram by joining their tales and sum can be taken by adding their corresponding components. If A=(x1+x2+x3) and B=(y1+y2+y3).
Then A+B = (x1+y1,x2+y2,x3+y3).
Watch and understand the concept ‘addition of vectors’, for demos visit Class 11 Physics at Takshilalearning.
Multiplication of vectors
For multiplication of two vectors, there are several techniques. Includes
- Cross product: It is the operation which results in a vector that’s why it is also called as the vector product of two vectors. It is taken by the product of their magnitude and sine of the angle between them. Carried out by the formula
A × B = ||A|| ||B|| sin θ n.
Where ‘n’ is unit vector determined by the plane of two vectors.
- Dot product: it is the operation results in scalar of two vectors that’s why it is also called as the scalar product of two vectors. It is taken by product of their magnitude and cosine of the angle between them.
A ⋅ B = ||A|| ||B|| cos θ.
- Triple cross product and multiple products: when three vectors are multiplied then the product are called triple product and if more than three then product is multiple products.
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