Supply Determinants and Supply Curve Online Notes for Class 12 Economics
Supply – Supply determinants, supply curve and supply schedule – Economics class 12
Supply is different from stock. Stock refers to the excess of goods available in the market over the products offered for sale. Supply is the part of stock which producer offer for sale. It refers to the quantity of the commodity which is available for sale at the certain price at the specified time. It is the quantity of commodity producer is willing to sell at a given price during a particular period of time. Supply increases with the increase in price and decreases with the decrease in price.
“Supply of goods is the quantity offered for sale in a given market at a given time at the various price” Thomas
Types of supply
Individual Supply
It refers to the amount quantity an individual firm is willing to sell at a particular price in the market.
Market supply
It refers to the amount quantity all the firms are willing to sell at a particular price in the market.
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