Pronoun - A pronoun is a phrase that replaced a noun (I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, everyone, etc.).
Read each sentence and fill in the correct pronoun
Use of She, he, they
- ----- is playing.
- ----- are friends.
- ----- is packing.
- ----- is strong.
- ----- is speaking.
- ----- are doctors.
- ----- is an actress.
- ----- are laughing.
- ----- is scared.
Read each sentence and fill in the correct pronoun
- Mona and Sona are friends. ….. Play together. (She, He, They, We)
- Meena is kind to the poor. …….Love her a lot. (They, He, She)
- ………reads to his grandmother every day. (She, He, You, We)
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CBSE Class 2 English; Class 2 English Use of Pronouns; Use of Pronouns Practice Worksheet; Use of Pronouns; Pronouns questions for class 2; fill in the blanks with pronouns for class 2; pronoun worksheet for class 2; pronoun for class 2; pronoun exercise for class 2
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