Why Facebook Marketing is Important in Promoting Business?
Facebook Marketing: Facebook being a social media network is very popular and also an important part of everyone’s life. In 2015, almost 55% of the population is active on the Internet and also India is the second largest country in world active on the Internet with 462 million users. Thus a place where most of the nation is present could be such a big market for promoting a business or making the world aware about their business.
This is not just in India everywhere people are active on Internet now just by knowing the actual stats which is holding such big market one can guess how big it would be to promote business on Facebook. Also providing one of the biggest stats that India is the only country having a maximum number of the Facebook user over 270 million and from the number given here one can imagine the market available on Facebook. Apart from these, there are many other factors that keep in the count which have an endless number of benefits for the user and the promoter too.
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