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Clock Reasoning Tricks in Hindi - SSC/Banking Online Classes

The clock is one of the important topics of the Reasoning Section from which you can expect 1 question in SSC and Railway exams. Before moving on to the questions, you should be aware of the concept related to this topic. A clock has mainly two hands on the basis of which questions are mainly asked; the smaller one is called the hour hand or short-hand while the larger one is called the minute hand or long-hand. In this video, we will be discussing the concept and some important patterns of questions that are asked from the Clock topic. So If you are preparing for SSC CGL/ CHSL/ CPO/ MTS, Railway NTPC/ Group D exams, then do watch the full video, share with your friends, and don't forget to subscribe to our channel to watch the complete SSC crash course series on our platform.

clock, in general, has 12 numbers written on it, from 1 to 12, an hour hand, and a minute hand. Clock angle problems relate to two different measurements: angles and time. The hour hand of a normal 12-hour analog clock turns 360° in 12 hours (720 minutes) or 0.5° per minute.

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