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Halloween is a slurry-themed festival celebrated every year on October 31st. This festival is also known as All Hallows Eve or All Saints Eve. The All Hallows' Season lasts three days and ends with Spirit Day, the eve of the Christian Feast of All Saints. The fair is marked by the light of pumpkin lanterns and fancy costume getups in modern interpretation.
Onam marks the eve of the Western Christian Feast of All Saints and marks the beginning of the Alhovetide season, which lasts for three days and ends with All Souls' Day. Halloween cultivation is essentially essential in most parts of Europe and North America.Tradition goes back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samah, where people burn and chase away ghosts. On November 1, Pope Gregory III nominated Pope Benedict XVI to honor all saints in the eighth century. Soon, some traditions of the time were incorporated into All Saints' Day. The evening was known as All Hallows Eve and later as Halloween. Over time, Halloween has become a day of activities such as trick-or-treating, jack-o-lights carving, festive celebrations, donating costumes, and eating out.

Halloween Traditions:

Some well-known traditions include "trick or treat", which serves as a community event for children to dress up as ghosts and other inflammatory creatures, mostly horror genres such as wizards and weaves, of the connected type. They carry baskets to the neighbors to collect candy or sweets from them. In addition, there are many Halloween parties in which adults and children are encouraged to wear horror-themed costumes. Pumpkin lamps, derived from secret training in Celtic and Rome, are carved in front of western houses along with other ornaments. Traditionally they are witch hats, Dracula fungus and so on and another tradition of playing apple on Halloween for children and adults alike.

Learn complete Halloween day here..

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