The human brain is a complex organ. It is the principal regulating node of the central nervous system. It receives, processes, sends and guides sensory information. The corpus callosum, on the other side, separates the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Based on its functions, the brain is divided into three parts. The three portions of the brain are the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.
The essential functions of the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain are the major distinctions. The forebrain is in charge of intelligence, memory, body temperature, and hunger and thirst signals, while the midbrain is in charge of auditory and visual responses, and the hindbrain is in charge of visceral functions.
What is Forebrain?
The forebrain is the brain's largest division. It accounts for roughly two-thirds of the brain's mass. The cerebrum is a part of the brain's frontal lobe. As a result, the bulk of the brain's structures are protected by the forebrain. The telencephalon and diencephalon are two forebrain subdivisions. The cerebral cortex is the most important part of the telencephalon.
The diencephalon relays sensory information. It also connects the nervous and endocrine systems. The diencephalon includes the thalamus, hypothalamus, and pineal gland. The forebrain is the most important part of the brain because it controls almost all of the body's major and complex functions, including memory, intelligence, and body temperature regulation.
What is Midbrain?
The midbrain binds the forebrain and hindbrain in the brain. The brain stem is made up of the midbrain and the hindbrain. The brain stem connects the cerebrum to the spinal cord. The cerebral aqueduct is located in the midbrain. This canal connects the cerebral ventricles.
Decoding auditory and visual feedback is handled by the midbrain. It also helps with movement control. On the other hand, the nerves that control eye and eyelid movements are found in the midbrain. The oculomotor and trochlear cranial nerves are involved. The midbrain is divided into three sections: the tectum, cerebral peduncle, and substantia nigra.
Learn More about Hindbrain function here and Similarities, Difference between Forebrain, Midbrain, and Hindbrain, or Download the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science.
Must Read: What is the Nervous System? Parts of Human Nervous System
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