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What is the impact of green revolution in India - Harit kranti

What is the impact of the green revolution in India - Harit Kranti 

This article shares details on the Green Revolution, its meaning and features, and how there has been a boost in agricultural production efficiency because of the green revolution in India. You will also know about various schemes under the Green Revolution in India. This article covers the class 10 geography agriculture

 The term green revolution was first used by William Gaud and Norman Borlaug is the Father of the Green Revolution. 

What is the impact of the green revolution in India - Harit Kranti

The "Green Revolution" is the process of increasing agricultural production by incorporating new concepts, technologies, and practices. During the Green Revolution, the country's agriculture was transformed into an industrial system by adopting modern techniques and methods such as pesticides, fertilizers, irrigation facilities, and high-yielding variety seeds. The Ford Foundation sponsored a team of experts invited by the Indian government in the latter half of the 2nd Five Year Plan to suggest ways and ideas for increasing agricultural productivity. Based on the advice of this team, the government launched an ambitious development program in seven districts drawn from seven States in 1960, dubbed the Intensive Area Development Programme (IADP).

The mid-to-late 1960s were a watershed moment in agricultural history. In Mexico, Prof. Norman Borlaug and his colleagues developed new high-yield wheat varieties that have since been adopted by a number of countries. Since new seed varieties have the potential to increase agricultural production and productivity, countries in South and Southeast Asia have begun to adopt them in large numbers.


Green Revolution Aspects

  1. Use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides
  2. Mechanization of agriculture
  3. High Yielding Varieties
  4. Irrigation


Impacts of Green Revolution (Harit Kranti)

Causes of agricultural growth deceleration: The following are the primary causes of agricultural growth deceleration in the post-reform period:

  • Unbalanced use of inputs
  • The decline in plan outlay
  • Weaknesses in credit delivery system
  • The significant deceleration in the public and overall investment in agriculture
  • Shrinking farm size
  • Failure to evolve new technologies
  • Inadequate irrigation cover
  • Inadequate use of technology


Increased yields and productivity: The High Yielding Varieties Program (HYVP) was limited to only five crops: wheat, rice, jawar, bajra, and maize. As a result, non-food grains were excluded from the framework of the new strategy. Wheat has been the mainstay of the Green Revolution for many years. New crops result in the harvesting of tens of millions of additional tonnes of grains per year.

In 1978-79, the Green Revolution resulted in a total grain output of 131 million tons. This cemented India’s place as one of the world’s largest agricultural producers. Around 1947-1979, yield per unit of farmland increased by more than 30%. During the Green Revolution, crop areas under high-yielding varieties increased significantly.

The Green Revolution has provided plenty of employment opportunities, not only for farmworkers but also factory workers, by building factories and hydroelectric power plants.


Growth Rates Slowed During the Reform Era: After a promising start in the 1980s, agricultural growth slowed during the economic reform period (commencing in 1991). As can be shown, the annual rate of growth in food grain production dropped from 2.9 percent in the 1980s to 2.0 percent in the 1990s, and then to 2.1 percent in the first decade of the twenty-first century. As a result, the period after 1991 appears to be a watershed moment in Indian agriculture's resurgence, which had been stagnant since the mid-1960s.


Features of Green Revolution

Introduction of High Yielding Variety seeds, which were highly effective in the states having better infrastructure and rich irrigation facilities such as Punjab and Tamil Nadu.

  • These High Yielding Variety seeds were provided to the other states during the 2nd phase, and wheat was also included later on.
  • The green revolution increased the use of fertilizers to enhance farm production and productivity.
  • The use of pesticides and weedicides was also increased to minimize any loss or damage to the crops.
  • The introduction of machinery such as tractors, drills, and harvesters enhanced commercial farming in India.

However, Green Revolution promoted the food grains like wheat and rice, cash crops and commercial crops were not part of the plan. Learn More about Impacts of Green Revolution

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