Class 6 Maths Questions Answer
1. Write the smallest whole number.
Ans. 0
2. Write the next three natural numbers after 10.
Ans. 11,12,13
3. Write the smallest natural number.
Ans. 1
4. Write the predecessor of 1000.
Ans. 999
5. Write the predecessor of 999.
Ans. 998
6. Write the successor of 999.
Ans. 1000
7. Write the successor of 1000.
Ans. 1001
8. Write the smallest even number.
Ans. 2
9. After 999, write the next three natural numbers.
Ans. 1000, 1001 ,1002
10. What are the total numbers between 3 and
9, including 3 and 9?
Ans. . 7
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