Nutrition in Unicellular Organisms Class 10 Science
Nutrition in Amoeba:
Amoeba has holozoic nutrition. Thus, solid food particles are ingested which react with enzymes and are digested. It is an omnivore.
1. The unicellular species known as the amoeba exhibits the Holozoic style of nourishment. Membrane from amoeba cells continues to protrude into pseudopodia. Amoeba forms a feeding vacuole by enclosing a food particle in pseudopodia.
2. Food and water are present in the food vacuole. In the food vacuole, digestive enzymes are secreted, causing digestion to occur.
3. Following that, the food vacuole releases the digested food for absorption. Finally, undigested food is released when the food vacuole moves close to the cell membrane.
Holozoic Nutrition: Food digestion happens after food is consumed. As a result, digestion occurs within the body of the organism.
Five processes make up holozoic nutrition: ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation, and egestion.
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