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Class 7th Maths NCERT Solutions – Chapter 8 – Comparing Quantities

Class 7th Maths NCERT Solutions – Chapter 8 – Comparing Quantities  NCERT solutions   for Class 7 Maths   are available at our website specially designed by our experts. Our experts are working continuously to make the content easy to understand for the students and keeping it updated as per the standards. 7th Class Maths : In our daily routine, several times we compare two quantities like height, weight, quantity. Example – Height of student B = twice of the height of student A. When we need to compare the two quantities their units must be the same. Watch animated video lectures and learn about Comparing quantities –  Class 7 Maths Equivalent Ratio The different ratio can be compared with each other to know whether they are equivalent or they are not equivalent. To check whether they are equivalent, first,  we write the ratio in the fraction form and then convert them in like fractions. Example: 1:2 is equal to 2:3? Solution:  1/2*3...

How to increase traffic to YouTube channel? Online Digital Marketing Course

How to increase traffic to YouTube channel? Online Digital Marketing Course  Learn how to increase traffic to YouTube channel with Online Social Media Course. Write Long Description:  A detail description of your video using keywords makes it easily searchable. Adding Timestamps in video attract more viewers as they are able to jump to the required portion of the video. For long video, the timestamp is a very important requirement.  Adding related Links or your website/blog and social media links in description help you to achieve traffic on your site or Social Media also increase awareness about your brand/Channel. Add Tags:  Tags are like keywords on the website. There is a relation between video title, description, and tags. If the three talk about the same there is a better chance of getting top position on those keywords (tags) in a search result on YouTube Custom Thumbnail:  Once you have verified the channel you will have access to...

Learn What is a Parasite? It’s Types & Characteristics- Class 12 Biology

Learn What is a Parasite? It’s Types & Characteristics- Class 12 Biology What is a Parasite? Types & Characteristics  :- The word  “parasite”  comes from the Greek  “parasitos”, with  para meaning “alongside “,  and  sitos  meaning “food” –  therefore meaning  “eating at the side of, as one would when seated at the same table” A  parasite  is an organism that lives in/on another organism, called the  host,  and often harms it. It is dependent on its host for survival – it has to be in the host to live, grow and multiply. A parasite cannot live independently. Parasites are an incredibly varied group of organisms. Around 70% of parasites are microscopic in size, such as the malarial parasite; however, some worm parasites can reach over 30 m in length. There are three main types of parasites that cause diseases, they are  :- PROTOZOA (cause protozoan infection) –  Protozoa are microscopic, ...

14th President of India : Who is eligible for the post of the President of India?

14th President of India : Who is eligible for the post of the President of India? Banking classes online  : The  President of India  is the most important part of the Union Executive, which also includes the Prime Minister and his Council of Ministers. Current President of India:  Mr. Ram Nath Kovind. He  is the 14th President of India , incumbent since July 2017. Previously he had served as the Governor of  Bihar from 2015 to 2017  and was a Rajya Sabha MP from 1994 to 2006. Who is eligible for the post of the President of India? He/She should be a  citizen of India ; He/She should have completed the age of  35 years ; He/She should be qualified to be elected as a member of the lower house; He/She should not hold any office of profit i.e. should not be a government servant. Lean more for  14th President of India : Who is eligible for the post of the President of India? For more such informative ar...

Learn how to solve Coding and Decoding based questions

Learn how to solve Coding and Decoding based questions IBPS po online coaching : Letter Coding is one of the important topics from exams point of view as 5 questions are expected in the preliminary examination of all clerical level exams. These questions are not as difficult as it looks after reading the questions. We have to simply remember the positions of the alphabets & left-right combinations. Let us look at these types of questions : Directions (1-5):  Study the following Symbol, Letter, Number sequence carefully and answer the following questions: W M 5 B Y 2 $ O * Z A 1 P 3 X M N 9 K 6 L 4 ~ E 7 H Learn answers and complete  how to solve Coding and Decoding based questions Learn more  banking preparation  topics here.. Alphabet Series Tricks for Bank PO  – Tricks For IBPS/SBI – PO & CLERK Reasoning Data Conclusion Mock Test Paper for Bank PO- Synonyms Miscellaneous Questions Start your Bank Exam preparation wit...

Polymers - Chapter 15 - chemistry notes for class 12

Polymers - Chapter 15 - chemistry notes for class 12 Takshila Learning  offers offline and  online classes for science  as well as commerce students. We offer animated video lectures for Biology,  Chemistry , and Physics with NCERT solutions, sample papers for board exams preparation. For Commerce students, we provide recorded lectures from qualified and experienced faculties. Polymers are created via polymerization of many small molecules, known as monomers . Polymers can be classified in number of ways Classification based upon source Natural polymers: – These polymers are the naturally occurring polymers such as  starch, cellulose, nucleic acids and natural rubber . Synthetic polymers :- These polymers are man-made polymers,  such  as polyvinyl chloride (PVC), Bakelite, nylon, polystyrene, etc Classification based on synthesis Addition polymers:  These types of polymers are formed by the repeated additions of monomeric un...

Biology Class 11 Online Notes - Nutrients and Balanced Diet

Biology Class 11 Online Notes - Nutrients and Balanced Diet We at  Takshila Learning  offer the best online classes for Science. With the increase in the use of technology in our day to day lives, we have also designed an online course along with notes which cater to all your requirements in preparing exams. You can watch our high quality 2D/3D animated videos anywhere at any time. You can attempt our CBSE Class 11 and 12 classes with detailed explanation, analysis of the exam and much more. The different components of food (nutrients) can be classified as following- (i)Energy-yielding nutrients: Carbohydrates : They are the main source of energy for the human body. When they are broken down they form  glucose . Glucose is essential as a source of energy and is also important for maintaining tissue protein. The brain and central nervous system depend solely on glucose for their energy requirements. Carbohydrates are obtained from foods such as whole-grai...