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Verb Worksheet - Class 6 English Grammar

Verb Worksheet  - Class 6 English Grammar The verb is a term that describes an action, situation, or occurrence. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb form using the verbs and tenses as given in the brackets.   I love ___________. (Travel – Present continuous tense) I _________ yesterday. (Paint – Simple past tense) I will be _________ tomorrow. (Come – Future continuous tense) You ________ everyday. (Dance – Simple present tense) I was _______. (Cry – Past continuous tense) She _______ every year. (Participate – Simple present tense) He will _____ tomorrow. (Come – Simple Future tense) Radha can not _______. (Come – Simple present tense) Rajesh did not _____ my notebook yesterday. (Bring – Simple past tense) How ---- you? Click for  Verb and adverb worksheet for class 6 Tag -  verb exercises for class 6, Class 6 English grammar worksheets, Verb Worksheet 

What is the difference between human and physical capital

Difference between human and physical capital Human capital refers to a worker's abilities, education, ability, and other attributes that influence his or her productive capacity and earning potential. Physical capital Presence of trade barriers lead to mobility restriction. Process of formation is economic and technical. Physical capital is separable from the owner. Possibility of trading physical capital in the market exists. Continuous use leads to depreciation. Financial statements are present. Human capital Culture and nationality lead to mobility restriction. Process of formation is conscious and social process. Human capital is not separable Services rendered by the human capital can only be sold. Ageing leads to the depreciation but it can be minimized up to some extent. Financial statements are absent. Click to know for Importance and Impact of human capital on economic growth Tag - class 9 social science , class 9 economics, Human capital meaning, school online classes

Meaning of Organic Farming and its Benefits Class 9 Science

Organic Farming and its benefits Class 9 Science Organic farming is a method of cultivating plants and raising animals in a natural environment. Organic resources are used instead of synthetic ones in this procedure, which helps to maintain soil fertility and ecological balance while also minimising pollution and waste. Benefits of   Organic farming    Organic farming utilises fewer pesticides, lowers soil erosion, reduces nitrate discharge into groundwater and surface water, and recycles animal waste into the farm when compared to standard farming. Consumers will pay more for food, and yields will be lower overall, so these gains will be countered. Organic crops have been reported to have a 25% lower total yield than conventionally grown crops, though this varies widely depending on the type of crop. In the face of climate change and an increasing global population, the challenge for future organic farming is to maintain its ecological benefits, boost yields, and lower ...

Worksheet for Class 7 Maths - Fraction

Worksheet for Class 7 Maths - Fraction Addition and subtraction A fraction is a portion of a whole or, more broadly, a set of equal pieces. In ordinary English, a fraction denotes the number of pieces of a specific size, such as two-forth, one-sixth etc. I. Solve the following problems: 1/3 + 2/6 5/7 - 2/7 5/2 – 2/3 11/13 - 9/13 1/5 + 4/2 4/2 – 3/4 8/9 + 6/21 3/1 – 4/2 7/2 – 3/4 33/2 – 42/5 11/2 + 91/7 2(2/4) + 3(1/2) 3(2/6) + 4(2/7) Click for more  Class 7 Worksheet Tag -   maths worksheet for class 7; worksheet for class 7; grade 7 maths; class 7 maths worksheets with answers; online classes for school students

Ascending Order Worksheet/Exercise for Grade 2

Ascending Order Worksheet/Exercise for Grade 2 When numbers are arranged from smallest to largest in a given basket of numbers, that arrangement is known as ascending order. Let us understand this with an example – Let us consider the following random numbers – 12,54,26,28,23,27,15  Ascending order = Smallest to largest = 12,15,23.26,27,28,54 Exercise for Grade 2 98,87,63,54,75,15,4,26 154,14,2,8,54,9,,685,45 78,4,2,58,96,21,74,5 7,58,65,2,1,47,89,6,3,54 985,698,745,236,548,951 862,742,851,853,951 753,369,741,235,125,248 789,456,123,147,258,369 48,59,26,35,24,68,97 741,852,963,987,654,321 73,52,38,98,40,10,13,5 Click for more class 2 worksheet Tag -  online classes for school students; ascending order means; ascending order example; ascending order worksheet

Was or Were English Grammar Worksheet for Class 3

Use of was and were - English Grammar Worksheet for Class 3  Use ‘was’ if the noun is singular and use ‘were’ if the noun is plural or if there are multiple nouns. There is only one exception, that is “you”. We only use “were” with you. Example – I was happy last night. They were happy last night. You were happy last night. Fill in the blanks with the correct helping verb. I ___ reading I ___ dancing. She ___ sleeping She _______ playing piano. What ___they doing? He ______ drawing my sketch. She ___working hard Road ______ not built properly. There ___snake in the field. Water in the bucked ______ cold. Sita, Gita ___ not there. They _______ running till that tree. If I ______ going there. Radhika _____ angry. _____ I not qualified? _______ he not here? You _______ wasting my time. _____ you coming yesterday? Click for English grammar worksheet for class 3  Click for  Is, am, or are Exercise Tag-  Use of was and were, was were use, Was were worksheet, Was or We...

Is, am or are Worksheet for Kids

Is, am, or are Exercise Verbs are words that describe an action, situation, or occurrence. Fill in the blanks with the correct helping verb. I ___ singing. They _______ playing football. I _______  Rohan He ______ drawing my sketch. We _______  happy. Road ______ not built properly. This_______   a rose flower.  Water in the bucked ______ cold. Sita and Gita _______ friends. They _______ running till that tree. She _______ reading a book. If I ______ going there, then you will have to come too. Gourav _____ angry. _____ I not qualified? _______ he not here? You _______ wasting my time. _____ you coming tomorrow? Click for more English worksheets Tag - class 3 grammar worksheets, English grammar worksheet for class 3, School online classes for students