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Delhi Sultanate Rulers list, their Dynasties and Delhi Sultanate Period

Delhi Sultanate | History | Delhi sultanate dynasties

The Delhi Sultanate is addressed here: the period of the Delhi Sultanate, the list of Delhi Sultanate dynasties and Delhi Sultanate rulers of the Delhi Sultanate, and the architecture of the Delhi Sultanate.


The establishment of the Sultanate of Delhi was started with the attack of Muhammad Ghori. He brought in many slaves and made them officials. Since then, human dynasties have ruled the Delhi Sultanate.


When he died in 1206 BCE, his three generals were succeeded by Qutb-ud-Din Ibek (commander of his army), Tajuddin Yaldas (ruled by Karaman and Shankar between Afghanistan and Sindh), and Naseeruddin Qubacha (prisoner) . Here we give the chronology of the Delhi Sultanate and the reasons for the decline of the Delhi Sultanate.


1206 A.D. The period of 1526 A.D. is known as the period of Delhi Sultanate. This period was observed by many dynasties and various rulers.


Lists of Dynasties and Rulers Delhi Sultanate

Some notable dynasties and rulers who visited during this time period are listed below:

  1. Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty
  2.  Khilji Dynasty
  3.  Tughluq dynasty
  4.  Sayyid Dynasty
  5.  Lodi dynasty




Qutb-ud-din Aibak


Founder of Mamluk Dynast and Slave of Muhammad Ghori

Aram Shah


Eldest son of Qutb-ud-din Aibak

Shams-ud-din Iltutmish


Son-in-law of Qutb-ud-din Aibak

Rukn ud din Firo


Son of Iltutmish

Razia Sultana


Daughter of Iltutmish and Grand Daughter of Qutb-ud-din Aibak.

Muizuddin Bahram


Son of Iltutmish

Alauddin Masud


Son of Rukn-ud-din Firoz

Nasiruddin Mahmud


Razia’s Brother who had died in 1229

Ghiyas-ud-din Balban


Father-in-law of Nashiruddin Mahmud and the most powerful ruler of the Slave Dynasty

Muiz ud din Qaiqabad


Grandson of Ghiyasuddin Balban



Son of Muiz-ud-din Qaiqabad

Read More About Delhi sultanate dynasties Here.

 Read This Topic Too: History of Mughal Empire Start and End

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. It is my hope that it will assist you in better understanding the Delhi Sultanate | History | Delhi Sultanate Dynasties.

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