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Make maximum use of raw materials
Some countries have natural raw materials, such as oil (Qatar), metals (Iceland), fish (Iceland), diamonds (Congo), and butter (Iceland) (New Zealand). These countries would not benefit from the natural contributions of raw materials if a trade did not exist.

Eli Hawker and Bertil Oll created the theoretical model. Countries associated with the Hecksher-Ohlin Model (H-O Model) have said that they will prioritize the manufacture and export of goods utilizing multiple local component settlements. Countries with a scarcity of resources will import.

Advantage in comparison
According to the principle of comparative achievement, countries with distinctive benefit costs must have special competence. Although a country may be able to produce two goods at a low cost, this does not imply that it should produce everything. With lower labour costs, India can create relatively better jobs (e.g. call centers, garment manufacturing). As a result, India's exports of these services and goods will be profitable. Education and video game development may benefit economies such as the United Kingdom relatively. Countries can specialise thanks to trade. More details on how comparative gain can enhance financial well-being. The theory of comparative gain has limitations, but it explains at least some aspects of international trade.

An excellent option for users
The new commercial theory does not place a premium on comparative advantage or comparable input costs. In real life, the new business theory asserts that providing consumers with a variety of products is a driving force behind trade. We import BMW cars from Germany not because they are cheap, but because of the quality and brand image they represent. When it comes to music and cinema, the industry allows for a diverse range of music and movies to appeal to a wide range of tastes. When the Beatles toured the United States in the 1960s, they were exporting British music — relative labour costs were not a factor.

More Efficiency through Specialization and Economy
Another feature of the new business theory is that it doesn't matter which countries are experts; what matters is that expertise is advanced, allowing enterprises to benefit from economies of scale that are impacted by other factors. Enhances the Many times, governments specialise in specialised industries for no apparent reason — this has always been a concern. However, such knowledge allows for more efficiency. Multinationals divide the manufacturing process into a global production system for high-value-added products. Apple, for example, designs its computers in the United States but outsources manufacturing to Asian facilities. Trade allows a product to come from multiple countries. The manufacturing process for automobiles is frequently global, with engines, tyres, design, and marketing coming from numerous countries.

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