Traffic Signals Worksheet - Class 2 EVS
What are the messages from the traffic lights?
A traffic light is a yellow pole that reflects different colored lights. Each of the traffic light's colors conveys a particular meaning. Let's look at the meanings of the various colors -
The RED light indicates that we should come to a halt. All cars on the road must come to a complete stop behind the pedestrian crossing whenever the traffic lights turn red. Pedestrians can use the zebra line to cross roadways while the traffic lights are red.
The YELLOW light indicates that we should wait and watch until it turns GREEN. As soon as the yellow traffic lights change GREEN, we should get our automobiles ready to proceed.
The GREEN light tells us it's time to leave. As soon as the traffic lights turn green, you should proceed.
1. Write the meaning of the signs given below:
2. Complete the words by looking at the pictures below:
3. Write down have many wheels does the following have
- Bicycle
- Bus
- Horse cart
- Car
4. What do the following lights say?
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