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How Has The Steam Engine Changed The World? Ncert Notes History

How Has The Steam Engine Changed The World? Ncert Notes History Steam Engine Introduction The steam engine was a fantastic invention of the Industrial Revolution. A steam engine may be used as part of a larger engine or on its own. Many experiments in the 17th century resulted in a technology that could control large factories. By the mid-nineteenth century, this had also provided for deeper mines and the creation of a transportation network. Industrial Power Pre 1750 Prior to 1750, the widely accepted arbitrary start date for the industrial revolution, the majority of British and European enterprises were traditional and relied on water as their primary source of energy. Using streams and waterwheels, this was a well-established technology that was both proven and commonly available in the British landscape. There were significant issues because you needed to be near suitable water, which might take you to remote locations, and it always froze or dried up. It was, on the other hand

what is operating system? It's Type and Function

O perating system  and Its  Type and Function s.   What is an Operating System? An operating system, or “OS,” is software that communicates with the hardware and allows other programs to run. It is comprised of the system software, or the fundamental files your computer needs to boot up and function. Every desktop computer, tablet, and smartphone includes an operating system that provides basic functionality for the device.   The most popular desktop operating systems are Windows, OS X, and Linux. Although each operating system is special, most provide a graphical user interface (GUI) with a desktop and the ability to access files and directories. They also allow you to install and run operating system-specific software. Windows and Linux can be installed on any PC, while OS X is only available on Apple computers. As a consequence, the hardware you pick has an effect on the operating system(s) you can use.   Mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones, have operating systems with a