NCERT solutions for class 7 science - Acid
In this article, we will discuss the topic of Class 7 Science. We will discuss ‘Acid, Base, and Salt’.
Substances are divided into Acid, Base, and Salt.
ACID: The word Acid derives from Latin word ‘ACERE’ which means sour. Acid is sour in taste.Acid containing substances has sour in taste and the substance that sour in taste is called Acidic. The chemical nature of these substances is known as Acidic nature. For example – curd,orange juice,lemon, pickles, vinegar, etc.
Types of Indicator: There are two types of indicators:
Natural Indicator: Indicators that are derived from naturally occurring substance are called NATURAL INDICATORS. For example; turmeric, China rose,litmus, etc.
Synthetic Indicator/ Artifical indicators: Indicators that are prepared in the laboratory are known as SYNTHETIC INDICATORS. For example; methyl orange,phenolphthalein, etc.
BASE: Base is bitter in taste. Base containing substances has bitter in taste. The chemical nature of substances that contain base is known as BASE For example; baking soda, soap or soap solution, washing soda, etc.
Use of Litmus paper to detect acid or base.
Acid– When blue litmus paper dipped in theacidic solution, the color of the litmus paper turns red.
Base- when the red color litmus paper dipped in a basic solution, the color of the litmus paper turns blue.
Turmeric: Turmeric is also used as a natural indicator. The color of the turmeric is yellow. When the Turmeric paper dipped into a basic solution, the paper turns red and does not change its color when it is dipped into acid.
Litmus: Litmus is extracted from Lichens. A lichen is a composite organism and Litmus is extracted from it. Lichens consist of algae and fungi living in a symbiotic relationship.
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