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The Concept of Business Communication for CSEET | Paper-1

Business Communication 
Communication is a strength in life. It is an integral feature of every living being. Being able to act and respond is the main characteristic of a human being. Where an expression or thought arises from one, the purpose of the communication gets in.

For example, if a person is hungry and wants to eat to relieve their hunger, we should look at two things. Second, the hunger felt by the human is the feeling that affects him. But secondly, the section where the contact starts is his response to communicate it by asking for food or a gesture to demonstrate that hunger is hunger. It's the way we express ourselves.

Now let's get along with context, forms, and significant contact definitions in a granulated form in CSEET's objective question point of view. Table of Contents:

  • Communication Definition
  • Characteristics of Communication
  • Types Of Communication
  • Means of Communication
  • Significance Of Business Communication
  • Communication Process
  • Principles of Effective Communication
  • Flow of Communication
  • Barriers Of Communication

Definition of communications
The word 'communicate' is derived from the word 'Communis' in Latin, which means 'share.' Communication is the expression of facts, opinions, thoughts or feelings. It is a process by which, through a common system of symbols, signs or behavior, information is exchanged between people. 

There are two individuals in the play, a Sender and a Receiver, in communication. The exchange of information in any form between them can be described as communication. To be successful in communication, the exchange of ideas and information must result in its intended meaning being conveyed and understood.

When one interacts with the intention of producing income to carry out any economic operation, that is, supplying products or services, it is called Business Communication..

Features of Communication
In essence, contact is a two-way mechanism that

  • It is an ongoing process and pervasive in nature
  • It consists not only of facts but ideas and emotions too, a gesture, sign or symbol etc
  • It is goal-oriented. Both the parties sender and receiver should be aware of the common goal to understand the
  • purpose of the communication and react to it.
  • It is an inter-disciplinary science. Knowledge from various sciences are used in communication

Types of Communication

Communication may be broadly divided into two types:

Internal and

Learn more on our blog page about internal and external communication.

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