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Who can do CS? Specification of the CS Course, Qualifications, Duration, Salary

How long is the CS Course and Who can do CS?

CS Course in India-A related task in an association is the Business Secretary (CS) or Corporate Secretary (CS) or Secretary. It is the senior office in the organization of a private or public area. The legal activities of every corporation are handled by the secretary of the organization. A secretary of an entity is responsible for maintaining the documents, guidance, appraisal forms and assessing the lawful sections of the group. The secretary of the association is a customary one, assisted by the governing body and administrative staff. In any event, the company technique has currently been altered and the CS's function has been extended. As traditional assistance to the administrator and chiefs, the company secretary fills in.

 The secretary of the company deals with the association's corporate management and legitimate problems as an extra job. A company secretary is aware of the association's administration, maintaining legal and logistical continuity and ensuring the implementation of the organization's directorate's choices. A Company Secretary is accountable for the efficient organization of an organization in clear terms. He/she is responsible for ensuring that legal and administrative prerequisites are consistent and for ensuring that the Board of Directors' choices are revised.In India, it is important to have a certified CS delegated to each registered entity and some non-recorded and private enterprises (in an administrative or authoritative job). CS is a challenging and highly satisfying call. It is a senior job. Usually, organizational secretaries are assigned to key managerial or authoritative roles. They have openings available for businesses in both private and public areas.


 To turn into a CS in India, you should turn into an Associate Member of ICSI. ICSI represents the Institute of Company Secretaries of India. ICSI is the expert body that creates and directs Company Secretary preparing, calling, and enrollment in India. This body was set up by the Act of parliament for dealing with CS calling, preparing, and participation!

 “Step by step instructions to turn into an Associate Member of ICSI?”, you may inquire. To turn into an ASC (Associate Company Secretary), you should effectively finish the three phases of the Company Secretary course – CSEET Program, Executive Program, and Professional Program.

 Subsequent to finishing the previously mentioned programs, applicants should likewise effectively finish 15 months the board preparing in Companies supported by ICSI or under the direction of a rehearsing CS.

 15 months of the board preparation can be taken up by applicants who have passed the Executive or Professional Program. Subsequent to breezing through Professional Program assessment and finishing the board preparing, a competitor may enroll himself/herself as an Associate Member of ICSI.

 Aside from the three projects and 15 months of the board preparing, CS applicants are additionally expected to finish a line of preparing and prepping programs.

 Course Details

 Company Secretary course consists of three main stages. They are –

 1. CSEET Programme

 2. Executive Programme

 3. Professional Programme

 Eligibility criteria associated with each stage is different.


 i. CSEET Programme: 10+2 pass or equivalent students of Arts, Science or Commerce stream (Excluding Fine Arts)

 ii. Executive Programme: can be pursued by a Graduate of all streams except Fine Arts.

 iii. Professional Programme: can be pursued only after clearing the Executive Programme of CS Course

 On the off chance that you are a twelfth passed understudy, you should enlist for the establishment program. At last, you may clear it and register for the chief program. In the wake of the qualifying leader stage, you may enlist for a proficient program.

 On the off chance that you hold a significant Bachelor’s Degree, you may enroll straightforwardly for the Executive program. Subsequent to the qualifying chief stage, you may enroll in a proficient program.

 The Eligibility for the CS Executive Entrance Test Program is one that should Be Cleared in (10 +2) or Equivalent. Leader Program: The Eligibility for CS Executive can be sought after simply in the wake of clearing the CSEET Program or any Graduation with any Background of Specialization. The Candidate Should not younger than 17.

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