Shapes of Orbitals Online Class 11 Chemistry Notes
The p Orbital
The maximum value of l is n – 1, so the only levels with n = 2 or higher have a p orbital. 2p orbital is closest to the nucleus. Unlike s orbitals, p orbitals have different spatial orientations. If n =2, the values of l= 2-1 i.e. 1. So, the values of m will be -1, 0, +1, i.e. there are three values which suggest that there are three p orbitals because a number of m values give the number of orbitals. The p orbital has two regions or lobes of the high probability of finding electrons, one on either side of the nucleus. This makes the orbital look like two pears joined together at their narrow ends. The whole arrangement appears like a dumb- bell. The nucleus lies at the nodal plane of this dumbbell shaped orbital.
The s Orbital
An orbital with l = 0 (angular momentum quantum number, which describes the shape of an orbital) and thus, m= 0 (a magnetic quantum number which describes the orientation of orbital in space around the nucleus) is called s orbital. Since m has one value this means the s orbital can have only one orientation and the sphere can be defined completely by a single value i.e. radius. So, the s orbital are spherically symmetrical about the nucleus. The size of s orbital depends on the value of the principal quantum number. Therefore 1s orbital is smaller than 2s orbital, but both are spherical in shape.
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