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CA Final Exam Eligibility, CA Final Subjects & Syllabus

CA Final Exam Eligibility, CA Final Subjects & CA Final Syllabus


CA final is the last level to be cleared by the CA wannabe. The understudies at this stage are a lot of scholastics minds with careful information about bookkeeping, law, tax collection, reviewing, global tax assessment FRA, and a lot more parts of the account. The CA Final test is the last arrangement of tests in the Chartered Accountancy Course. This is the point at which all the information you’ve gained during your articles preparing and all through your investigation for CA Foundation, as well as CA Intermediate, are tried and developed.

In the first gathering, we feel at ease with accounts and SFM, while in the second gathering, Tax and ISCA the two subjects required elevated level robbing up without understanding its substance. As a rule, the vast majority feels distressed with the second gathering, yet result insights are practically the same for the two gatherings. 90% will say a bunch 2 because of costing and duties. CA Final the last level to be cleared by the CA hopeful. The understudies at this stage are a lot of scholastics minds with careful information about bookkeeping, law, tax assessment, examining, global tax collection FRA and a lot more parts of the fund.

The specialized know-how additionally gets presented because of functional preparation understudies go through before showing up for their CA Final Examination. The last level comprises 2 gatherings with 8 papers to be cleared. Up-and-comers, in the wake of freeing the two gatherings from CA Intermediate course, are given at any rate 2.5 long stretches of functional preparing and have encountered AICITSS, is qualified to enlist for Final tests at any month or date before showing up for CA Final assessment, which is held twice in the year in the period of May and November.


CA Final Attempt Eligibility is as follows: Clear both Groups of Intermediate Examination.

Effectively go through Four Weeks Advanced Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft abilities (AICITSS) comprising of Courses on Advanced Information Technology and Management Communication Skills during the most recent two years of handy preparing yet before showing up in the Final Examination.

Paper 1: Financial Reporting (100 Marks):

1 Framework for Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements

2 Application of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS)

3 Indian Accounting Standards on Group Accounting

4 Accounting and Reporting of Financial Instruments (as per Ind AS)

5 Analysis of Financial Statements

6 Integrated Reporting

7 Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting


Paper 2: Strategic Financial Management (100 Marks)

1.Financial Policy and Corporate Strategy

2.Risk Management

3.Security Analysis

4.Security Valuation

5.Portfolio Management


7.Mutual Fund

8.Derivatives Analysis and Valuation

9.Foreign Exchange Exposure and Risk Management

10.International Financial Management

11.Interest Rate Risk Management

12.Corporate Valuation

13.Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring

14.Startup Finance


Paper 3: Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics (100 Marks)

  1. Auditing Standards, Statements and Guidance Notes
  2. Audit Planning, Strategy and Execution
  3. Risk Assessment and Internal Control
  4. Special aspects of Auditing in an Automated Environment
  5. Audit of Limited Companies
  6. Audit Reports
  7. Audit Committee and Corporate Governance
  8. Audit of Consolidated Financial Statements
  9. Special features of audit of Banks, Insurance & Non Banking Financial Companies
  10. Audit under Fiscal Laws
  11. Audit of Public Sector Undertakings
  12. Liabilities of Auditors
  13. Internal Audit, Management and Operational Audit
  14. Due Diligence, Investigation and Forensic Audit
  15. Peer Review and Quality Review
  16. Professional Ethics


Paper 4: Corporate and Economic Laws (100 Marks)

Part I: Corporate Laws (70 Marks)

Section A: Company Law

  1. The Companies Act, 2013
  2. Corporate Secretarial Practice


Section B: Securities Laws

  1. The Securities Contract (Regulation) Act, 1956 and the Securities Contract (Regulation) Rules, 1957
  2. The Securities Exchange Board of India Act, 1992


Part II: Economic Laws (30 Marks)

  1. The Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
  2. The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002
  3. The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002
  4. Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010
  5. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
  6. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016


Paper 5: Strategic Cost Management and Performance Evaluation (100 Marks)

Part A: Strategic Cost Management and Decision Making

Sub Part I: Strategic Cost Management

  1. Introduction to Strategic Cost Management
  2. Modern Business Environment
  3. Lean System and Innovation
  4. Cost Management Techniques
  5. Cost Management for Specific Sectors


Sub Part II: Strategic Decision Making

  1. Decision Making
  2. Pricing Strategies/ Decisions


Part B: Performance Evaluation and Control

Sub Part I: Performance Evaluation and Reporting

  1. Performance Measurement and Evaluation
  2. Divisional Transfer Pricing
  3. Strategic Analysis of Operating Income


Sub Part II: Managerial Control

  1. Budgetary Control
  2. Standard Costing


Part C: Case Study

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