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CSEET Syllabus-Detailed Syllabus & Exam Pattern | ICSI CSEET Exam 2021

 Company Secretary Executive Entrance Exam Syllabus.

Secretary of the Council of Institutions of the Company for the exercise of reserve powers as per sub-section (a) (a) of section 15 of the Company Secretaries Act, 1980 Amendment to the Company Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 2006 reads Regulation 20 (1) (ii) The Company Secretary (Amendment) Rules, 2020 approved the course of the Company Secretary Executive Entrance Examination (CSEET).

All candidates are required to pass the CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) to register with CS. Executive programs, except for certain candidate categories, with effect from, 3 February 2020. With the introduction of CSEET, new registrations of the Foundation Program have been abolished Present.

The ICSI CSEET Syllabus consists of four papers as given below:

· Paper 1: Business Communication (50 marks)

· Paper 2: Legal Taste and Logical reasoning (50 marks)

· Paper3:Economic and Business environment (50 Marks)

· Paper4:Current Affairs, Presentation and Communication Skills (50 marks)

The CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) is conducted within a day:

1. 120-minutes computer-based test consisting of the following four parts:

· Trade Communications

· Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning

· Finance and Business Environment

· Current Affairs

Continue Reading About CSEET Exam Pattern and Syllabus.

Must Read:

Cseet 2021 Exam. Eligibility, syllabus, Registration Fee.

Here, at Takshila Learning, we designed CSEET online classes, CS Executive Online Classes for you, CS Professional, and CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) which will help you in preparing for Company Secretary. Our Online Courses are comprised of HD video lectures, MCQ series, modules, assignments, sample papers, and Doubt sessions to monitor your progress.
