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CA Intermediate Exam Pattern 2021 & CA Inter Syllabus 2021

CA Intermediate Exam Pattern 2021 & CA Inter Syllabus 2021

CA Intermediate Exam Pattern 2021: In India, the CA Intermediate exam is the second level of the Chartered Accountancy examination. It consists of eight subjects and over 7000 pages of study material that an understudy must complete in the nine months allotted to them. The gathering structure is what makes this test significantly more difficult since a gathering consists of four subjects, and a competitor must pass each of the four papers to pass the gathering.

Inability to pass in one subject quickly brings about the disappointment of the whole gathering, which would imply that the understudy falls flat in the subjects in which he has passed. It is to be noticed that the normal leaving rate behind to the year 2020 has been 16.76% just, which implies just 16 out of each 100 understudies showing up for the test figure out how to pass it. That being stated, the most un-passing rate was only 8.88% in the endeavor of November 2018 Chartered Accountancy Course in India. Understudies in the wake of clearing the Common Proficiency Test (CPT) or CA Foundation Course become qualified to enroll for the CA Intermediate. On the other hand, graduates, postgraduates or understudies having equal degrees can directly get enrolled for the CA Intermediate exam without appearing for the passage level tests.

CA Intermediate Syllabus New Course Updates 2021

ICAI has made changes in the CA transitional prospectus for May 2021 test. ICAI has added some new themes and diminished some old points from the ICAI prospectus. Given below are some of the modifications in the CA transitional Syllabus done by ICAI for the May 2021 assessment.

Addition of Topics in the CA Inter Syllabus 2021

All the updates which are made by the ICAI for the May 2021 test are mentioned below:

  • Accounting subjects of paper 1 have been shifted to paper 5 progressed bookkeeping.
  •  ICAI has added disintegration of Partnership firms including piecemeal dispersion of resources alongside the change of organization firm into an organization and deals with an organization which is an issue identified with bookkeeping in restricted obligation association.


Deleted Topics in the CA Inter Syllabus May 2021

All the topics which are deleted from the CA Inter Syllabus for May 2021 by the ICAI are mentioned below:

  •  Underwriting of shares and debentures.
  • Valuation of goodwill.
  • Application of Guidance Notes issued by the ICAI on specified accounting aspects.
  • Financial Reporting of Insurance Companies and Mutual Funds and regulatory requirements thereof.

Takshila Learning provides the  CA Inter online Classes. and CA Inter coaching class video lectures which are prepared as per the ICAI Syllabus. This Syllabus has been specifically designed by ICAI intermediate classes experts Faculty which help you in understanding the various concept. Our CA inter Pendrive classes can be accessed anytime, anywhere. 

Join CA Inter Pendrive classes at Takshila Learning by experts.

Or Call us @ 8800999280/83/84 


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