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Difference Between Personal Income And Disposable Personal Income

Difference Between Personal Income And Disposable Personal Income

Here, discussed on Difference between personal income and disposable income from economics class 12


What is Income?

Income is the money received by a person or a company in exchange for labour, the production of a good or service, or the contribution of capital. It's the monetary value of a company's consumption and saving options for a given time span. Wages and benefits are common sources of income for people. Organizations make money by selling products or services to cover their production costs. The influx of cash into a family from jobs, owning a company, state benefits, property rents, and other sources is referred to as income. “Income is the amount of a variety of salaries, compensations, insurance, premium installment, rentals, and various forms of profit received in a specified time frame” for households and individuals.

In the field of public financial matters, the idea may involve the accumulation of both monetary and non-monetary consumption-ability, with the previous (money-related) being utilized as an intermediary for total income. For a firm, gross income can be characterized as the amount of all income less the expense of goods sold.

Read This  Economics Determination Of Income And Employment

Following are common sources of incomes recognized in the financial statements:

  1. Sale revenue generated from the sale of a commodity.
  2. Interest received on a bank deposit.
  3. Dividend earned on entity’s investments.
  4.  Rentals received on property leased by the entity.
  5.  Gain on revaluation of company assets.

What is Personal Income

The phrase "personal income" is often used to describe an individual's total earnings, but "individual income" is a better term. In most countries, personal income, also known as "gross income," is taxed above a certain threshold.

Personal income is the total amount of money received by all individuals or households in a country. Personal profits include salaries, wages, and bonuses from jobs or self-employment, dividends and distributions from assets, rental receipts from real estate transactions, and profit-sharing from businesses.


Personal income is either the earned income or transferred income that is received by families inside the country or outside. Likewise, personal income is the total capital that an individual gets from different sources over the span of life for a specific timeframe. Personal income can incorporate wages yet in addition some of the income (for instance, profits on protections, moves, annuities, social advantages, lease, etc). Personal income is determined prior to deduct individual expenses charged to the subject. Personal income is a marker that shows the real well-being of people and their ability to pay (before taxes).

Briefly read the Difference Between Personal Income And Disposable Personal Income Here.

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