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CBSE Class 7 Science - Weather

CBSE Class 7 Science - Weather

7th class science : Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate
Weather: The day to day condition or temperature of the atmosphere at a specific place is called a weather. The weather can be too hot or cold, calm or stormy, wet or dry, clear or cloudy.
Weather Report: The periodic report about the weather,generally released by the meteorological department is called a weather report. Oftenly, the Weather report is shown along with the news on television.
Elements of weather: The miscellaneous elements of the weather are: temperature, humidity, pressure, rainfall, wind-speed, etc.
Temperature: Temperature of the earth depends upon the duration of sunshine. During the summer season, the span of the sunshine is longer. Due to this, the temperature is high in summer. The temperature is minimum in the morning and maximum at noon.
Humidity: Humidity is the amount of water vapors present in the air. Humidity is measured in percentage (%). During rainy season, humidity is at the highest level.

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