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Class 7 Science NCERT Solutions for Climate and Adaptation

Class 7 Science NCERT Solutions for Climate and Adaptation

In this post, we shared some notes on ‘Climate and Adaptation’ from CBSE Class 7 Science.

Climate and Adaptation:

On the Earth, various places, such as the polar region, desert have very harsh and rough climate. Many organisms live and thrive in these places, even though the harsh climate. Animals and plants living in such places develop certain attributes which help them survive in the harsh climate. To develop certain characters in order to survive in a particular climate is called adaptation.
Adaptation in Polar Region:
In the polar regions, the sun does not appear for about six months and it does not set for another six months of the year. Mostly, these regions are covered with snow for the year. In winter, temperatures may go down to -37°C. Hence, the climate of Polar Regions becomes extremely rough and harsh. Even though such condition, many animals live in those places, for example Penguin, Polar Bear, Snow Leopard, etc. For surviving in such a harsh climate, these animals show various adaptations which help them in survival in the Polar Region.
Adaptive features of animals found in the rain forest:
Lions: Lions have a highly developed sense of smell and night vision.The color of the skin helps it in mixing with the background. These features help a lion in catching the prey.
Elephants: Elephants have a strong sense of smell. It helps in finding the food. The trunk of the Elephant has powerful muscles which help in uprooting even a big tree. Elephants have a well-developed sense of hearing which helps in sensing danger in advance. An elephant uses its trunk to shower water all over its body to cool down his body temperature.

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