Coordination -The Essence of Management & Need of coordination
CS foundation online classes : Coordination is the orderly synchronization of the efforts by unifying, integrating and harmonizing the activities of the subordinates for the achievement of the goals of the organization. Every business enterprise is divided into a number of departments and every department has a number of groups and individuals. Coordination is not a separate function of the management, it is the force that binds all the other functions of management.
The managers at all levels are concerned with achieving coordination while performing the functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Coordination is implicit and inherent in all functions of management.
Coordination is required in Planning – systematic planning of work and allied aspects from top to bottom of the organization. Example. Coordination between production department plans and sales department targets.
Coordination is required in Planning – systematic planning of work and allied aspects from top to bottom of the organization. Example. Coordination between production department plans and sales department targets.
Coordination is required in Organizing – for systematic division of work among individuals and departments. Assigning authority, responsibility, and accountability. Example: If the finance manager is given authority to raise funds, he/she should also be given the responsibility to manage funds efficiently.
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