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Online CBSE class 5 maths-Angles and Polygons

Online CBSE class 5 maths-Angles and Polygons

To start practicing, just click on any link. Online CBSE class 5 Math has been customized taking into account all the factors which promote the development of logical, observational, analytical and computational abilities. Observation and development of numerical skills are emphasized from the very beginning and provided CBSE sample paper for Class 5, NCERT solutions, and worksheet for Class 5. A small Topic ‘Angles and Polygons’ are discussed for your guidance.
Two rays with a common end point form an angle. Point O is the common endpoint of OA and OB. The figure we get is angle AOB.

The common endpoint is known as the vertex of the angle. And both rays are the arms (sides) of the angle. The symbol of angle is <
Interior and Exterior of an angle
An Angle has two parts – interior and exterior.
The points lying inside the angle form the interior of the angle.
The points lying outside the angle form the exterior of the angle. In the given figure, points A and B are in the interior of <XYZ. Points R, S, and T are in the exterior of <XYZ.
Classification of angles
Angles are classified on the basis of their measure.
Acute Angle: An angle whose measure is more than 0 degree but less than 90 degree is called an acute angle. <ABC is an acute angle.
Right Angle
Obtuse angle
Straight angle
Reflex angle
Complete angle
A closed figure made up of 3 or more-line segments that do not cross each other is called a polygon.

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